Drehstart für den Kinofilm: AMERICAN SWEATSHOP
Letzte Woche begannen in den Kölner MMC Studios die Dreharbeiten zum Social-Media-Thriller AMERICAN SWEATSHOP, in dem sich HUSTLERS-Star Lili Reinhart als Internet-Cleanerin auf die gefährliche [...]
Successful homerun for THE ALBANIAN VIRGIN in Prishtina at Prifest.
Homerun One week ago, we experienced an unforgettable weekend in Prishtina! We were honored to be invited to Prifest 2022, organized in honor of Vjosa Berisha by Fatos Berisha and his dedicated [...]
The Albanian Virgin wins the EuroMillions Audience Award 2022
The EuroMillions Audience Award 2022 goes to Baujahr Alimani’s THE ALBANIAN VIRGIN with a score of 96,6 out 100.
Exclusive Press-Release: „The Albanian Virgin“
Full article on Variety.com click below: https://variety.com/2021/film/global/the-albanian-virgin-the-playmaker-munich-1235087822/
London meets Cologne: Kick off Meeting with Headwriter PAUL UNWIN. Marcus Vetter, Alexandra Liedke, Anita Elsani, Paul Unwin
THE ALBANIAN VIRGIN to World Premiere at Warsaw Int. Film Festival 2021 – International Competition (8. to 17. October)
Visit the WFF Website for more info: https://wff.pl/en/film/37-the-albanian-virgin